We Specialize in Keeping Apple Devices Protected.
Is my phone eligible for SafeTech protection?
SafeTech protects all iPhone makes and models no matter where or when they were purchased—as long as they are working, in good condition, and you have proof of purchase.
How do you determine the deductible for my claim?
Our deductible is a flat one-time $59.99 for all iPhone repairs.
Why is getting a protection plan for my smartphone a good idea?
No matter how careful we are with our phones, research shows that 1 in 3 smartphones die or get damaged. Accidents happen! And if you don’t have protection, a broken phone can cost you up to $1000 to replace. Ouch.
Why should I choose Safetech over insurance from my phone carrier?
You can save over 50% every month and over $100 in deductibles when your phone breaks. With just one claim, you could save hundreds over a two-year phone contract. Plus, SafeTech gets you back up and running quick and easy, with no hassles. Carrier insurance just can’t compete with that.
Why doesn't Safetech cover loss and theft?
It’s not a good value for our customers. You’re 10 times more likely to break your phone than lose it or have it stolen, and plans that include loss and theft coverage can cost twice as much as plans that don’t. Plus, Apple and Google have free apps like “Find My iPhone” that help you find your phone when you lose it. So why pay twice as much for coverage you don’t need?